October 26, 2010

#POST 05 Bub and Cheese

This is a post dedicated to my best friend Bub.

We are polar opposites. You can run and I can barley walk. I love style and you like whatever’s clean. We love dirty jokes and conversation. I don’t know how we got so close, because we are so contradictory.  You’re in university; I’m jobless and out of school. You’re born and raised here and you are the most foreign person I know. Foreign people are my biggest pet peeve (there I said it) thus you baffle me. I know you on a personal level, and about me you know just the bare basics. You are there for me when I let you, and I will always be here for you. You’re kind of my best friend and I find my self pondering why. Its not a bad thing, but thus it is a thing that is odd. My friendships never last, never survive hurricanes and tornados. They shrivel up and die in the whirl wind, but here you and I are four years strong. You are strong and I am weak. I am strong and you are weak. We balance each other out. We see each other through a weird coloured glass. I can’t begin to think about the horrors that would claim me if the natural causes do claim our friendship, your my best friend and I never want to lose you.

Bub and I after he ran the GoodLife Marathon in Toronto 
Photo Credit to his dad.

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