October 14, 2010

#POST 03 Creative Writing via Public Transit

I wrote this sitting in the bus shack at work, then completed it on the 72....I really need a (c)Blackberry so I can just post things as I go...

Confusion, Neglect, Tattoos, Suicide and Hope.

Opaque faces, grey drenched places. Is any of this real? The scene never changes I can’t erase it please stop telling me what to feel. I can feel her; he is with me they forever run through my bones.  I will shatter and you will fall with me. My desire is now so much higher, thank you for leaving me. This was, I have encountered the dark waves and surfed though all of your hunted days. I can not respect all you stand for the way you live kills me each day. I’ve learnt to stay clear hold on to pure fear and to breathe out shudder breaths. Inspiration is so much stronger I can see it in your skin. Permanent ink stuck in forever so you never forget and pray to god they’re listening. No one sees past the while lie, love is lost when fibs live. All I need is a fresh coloured world, full of ink and full of healed scars, someone raise this bar. My name is uncertain like the life of a fly that is in a house. The only way I can stay I’d if you realise there is doubt. I do not wish to watch you wander I know I will see them soon. The grey changes season, I’m blown away buried in leaves now I can stay.


  1. This is really great!

    Just came across your blog!


  2. Thanks! :)
    I just skimmed through yours, lovee the outfits!

  3. i love your work! you have talent (:


    follow and comment <3

  4. Thanks! I also love story telling, I have another blog for that:
    if you want to check that out! :)
